
Show Your Love for Jaco and Local Businesses

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Volunteering, shopping locally, dining locally, all are important ways to help support your community and all our needed more than ever in Jaco.

Thanksgiving has passed and the holiday season is upon us. A time for reflection for many of us, especially this year.What are you thankful for? What do you love? Friends, family, children, pets and neighbors. Yes, these are in the top for most.  But on a grander scale, what things in your community do you love? Is it the abundance of nature; the clean beaches and water; the trees & wildlife?  Perhaps it’s the feeling of security with the lifeguard program or that a local group is helping feed families in need.  When you want a night out, where do you go for great food or live music in Jaco? Who creates that perfect ambiance for you? How does it make you feel?

Shopping locally helps ensure your favorite business sticks around.

So… what do you love? Is it the macrobiotica that always has your hard to find supplements or your favorite express guy that arrives with a horn-honk & a smile.  Do you love the art & murals in Jaco? Where do you take your visitors shopping for souvenirs or for the best sunset? Who serves the best rice & beans and where do you go for the best gelato?

As 2020 has crippled tourism in all of Costa Rica, it’s time to reflect on our town and rebuild our community.  What do you miss or maybe what did you miss (if it has already re-opened)?  It is important to support what you love. Shop local, yes! But take a few minutes to think about what makes Jaco such a great community, for you. How do you show support?

Which are the businesses or organizations that have helped this community grow? Which are the places that would leave a big hole should they disappear? Think about, dream about our community a year from now or even 10 years from now… what does it look like? And what are the businesses or resources or organizations that support that vision for you? Would you miss the ceviche guy or the guy selling homemade ice cream as he rides his bike around town? If the trees continued to disappear on Jaco’s main street, will it make a difference?

Change is guaranteed, but small decisions and intentional actions help shape our community. Who & what do you support?  Decide and then go plant a tree, clean the beach, pick up some trash on Miro’s or make a donation to Costa Verdes or McKee Foundation. Support more art, live music, and artisans in Jaco. Buy more things locally, take that MMA class or yoga workshop. Find your favorite fruit stand or soda and become their number 1 fan! As the world moves faster and small business often gets squeezed out, make an effort to support what you love with your day-to-day decisions. As a part of this community you have the enormous power to impact it. Go be the change you want to see.

Written by Stewart Invierno who lives and works in Jaco.  Stewart owns Fruity Monkey Poop & Tico Pod Art House + Gifts
as well he co-founded the non-profit Artify Jaco.  He supports more creativity in Jaco, more trees (& shade) on our streets & beaches, his favorite sodas, safe hiking, running and riding trails and places to enjoy the views.

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